A Quick Visit to Omaha

We only had a short weekend but what a great trip! We had three fun experiences - each worth a repeat performance.
Union Station

Saturday we visited the Old Market District (https://oldmarket.com) in downtown Omaha. Since this was our grandson's trip, we visited the important things - an old time candy store and the old soda fountain at the Durham Museum (https://durhammuseum.org) in the old Union Station. While he enjoyed the goodies, my son and I explored. We visited several art galleries and small shops as we walked around. We had already eaten lunch so we'll have to save the restaurants for another visit. The outdoor dining looked inviting!
An interactive exhibit
at Union Station

In the old Union Station, we spent time at each of the interactive statues recreating the era. At its height in 1946, 64 steam locomotives brought up to 10,000 passengers a day in and out of Omaha.

The building is magnificent, an Art Deco treasure that is on the National Register of Historic Places. The museum is in the basement of the station but we spent so much time enjoying the main floor that we had to leave for our next adventure.

Werner Park
We spent Saturday night with the Omaha Storm Chasers (https://www.milb.com/omaha), a minor league team for the Kansas City Royals. Werner Park (https://www.milb.com/omaha/ballpark/werner-park) is gorgeous and the rain held off until the 7th inning. There's something totally relaxing about minor league baseball. To top off the evening, the home team won.

Sea Turtle
Sunday morning, we spent some time at the Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium (http://www.omahazoo.com), which definitely turned into the highlight of the trip. We only had a couple of hours before the rain came and we had to head back to Kansas City, but we saw enough to make us hunger for another visit.

We had heard about the aquarium and the penguins and both surpassed our expectations. The aquarium took us to the bottom of the ocean where we watched sharks, sea turtles and many other species circle around and above us. We could have spent hours there. My son fell in love with one of the sea turtles and I was totally fascinated by the jellyfish and stingrays.

But we had to leave the aquarium and catch a tram to get an overview of the zoo. I highly recommend either the tram or train ride for first-timers to the zoo. Our conclusion at the end of the tram ride; we definitely will plan a return trip.

We only touched the surface of what Omaha has to offer. I had my Unique Eats and Eateries of Omaha guide (https://thewalkingtourists.com/unique-eats-and-eateries-of-omaha/) by Tim and Lisa Trudell with me. Saturday night we ate at the ball park. Sunday we planned to try either Stella's Bar & Grill (http://www.stellasbarandgrill.com) or Dinker's Bar (https://www.dinkersbar.com) but both are closed on Sunday. Unfortunately, I didn't plan ahead.

Omaha, we'll be back!


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